There's Potent Magic in Everyday Ritual.

Part 1: The Vision: More of Shadowwwitch.

As I was walking along the beautiful trail near my house today, enjoying the weather, I “saw” a window appear in front of me, shimmering glass. I stepped through it, and was immediately transported to a beach. Barefoot, wearing a long flowing dress, I sprouted long black wings. I looked to the left and knew I was supposed to walk that way, so I began walking along this beach. I came to a cauldron full of fish soup and knew that I had made the soup. I stirred it carefully. As the first men began making their way toward me, I hovered above them, in flight. They could not see me, but they came and ate the soup, and were renewed. I knew then that I was on the beach of Normandy during D-Day, and that I was a face of death. I had come to nourish these men because it was not their time to die. This tale would be forgotten and they would remember nothing except a feeling of being cared for when they thought they were abandoned.

I then flew to the Underworld where I was shown that I was a Face of Death, The caring face of Death. The Death who nurtures, holds, loves, grieves. I was shown more of who I am. This was part one of the gift.

Part 2: The Lesson; the Remembering

After the first vision, I was shown a vision of an old, stooped over, no-nonsense woman squatting, who said, “Get your house in order!” She picked up a broom and began sweeping. I embodied her and saw the message was not only for me (I’m exiting a week of extreme monkey mind), but also for a client who is starting with me soon.

(This was all pretty hard to do as I was walking along a neighborhood trail; it required some real eye squinting to maintain focus in trance!)

GET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER the old woman repeated, not caring how difficult it was to maintain a straight line. No nonsense in-deed!

The Knowing: Step 1: Stir the Soup

When you are in the muddle of it all, you stir the soup.

You quiet your mind and you chop the onion. You inhale and you add the garlic. You exhale and you stir right. You breathe, stir left. This is the portal to enter the Earth.

People think portals will look like doors, windows, swirling masses, and while they can (they did for me today), they can ALSO look like a wooden spoon swirling in a heavy cast iron pot.

This is where you find your deepest magic.

This is where your soul finds home.

You sweep the broom. You mend the clothes. You tidy the dishes. You set the alarm and you get the kids to school. You get your house in order. Nothing can happen until you sit with yourself and you dust the fans.

There’s potent magic in every day ritual; every day mending. It’s grounding magic; it’s Earth Magic; it’s the Spring coming and the Great Cleansing. It’s the mother and maiden and crone, all preparing for her place in the Sun. It’s what you do when you don’t know what to do. It’s how you breathe. It’s how you tend to your soul. When you pick up the broom to sweep the hearth you also sweep the cobwebs from your mind and heart and soul.

It’s what the poet Oriah Mountain Dreamer spoke of when she said:

“It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children.”

If you are stuck, go forth, and stir. Not all magic shines. Some requires grit and bones and breath. That’s the good good stuff we can rely on. It’s our soul’s bread and butter. It’s what creates the base for your AUTHENTICITY. Do not discount it. You cannot hold the higher magic if you do not tend to your house. You cannot hold the higher magic if you do not spend time in the Earth magic first. You can not maintain. You will fall prey to the wind.

There’s good news though. All you have to do is pick up a spoon and stir. So stir, stir away, stir well, and find your magic. <3

Jennifer Drinkard