How Sound Healing Helped Me Discover Deeper Spirituality.

On Tuesday night, I received a personal, and truly intimate sound bath from my friend Corrie Roberson (find her on Instagram at Corrierobersonhealing).

I was feeling truly blessed as Corrie arrived to my home on a freezing cold February night, with lots of shapes and bags in tow. She set up a brass pyramid that reached to the ceiling. Inside of the structure she put down a seat, and lots of crystal bowls of varying shapes and sizes, as well as a wooden chime bar. I set up candles around her and at her encouragement I also collected some things from my house to make a temporary altar. I chose a raptor foot, a raptor feather, my green heart stone, my sacral stone, some holy water I got from Mother Mary’s church in Costa Rica, as well as a piece of rowan my partner gave me for protection, and a rainbow quartz a client gave me. I added two polaroids, one of my partner and one of my son.

Corrie had me lie feet first facing her, on a yoga mat, with a blanket covering my body, and a mask over my eyes. One of my cats quickly settled in between my feet and promptly fell asleep. Corrie first bathed me in a triangle bath, moving around my body ringing out beautiful sounds. Somehow I heard different tones all at once, despite her only having one triangle.

Then she sat down and the experience began.

It took me about 5 minutes to drop in. I began to notice my breathing changing, getting deeper and slower .I began breathing into an injury I’ve had for some time in my shoulder, that was acting up now that I was lying on my back. It’s something I’ve been getting massaged out, but it still hurts pretty badly every day.

I tried to focus back on my breathing that’s when I began seeing images.

The first thing I experienced was myself as a giant raptor. I had a hurt left wing, and the pain was similar to the pain I was feeling in my shoulder/back .At first I though this was a past life experience, until I heard a voice. I’m often clairaudient when I drop in; lots of voices and sounds and “knowing” come through. This was no different. Very clearly, the voice of the raptor I’d buried in my backyard came through. Before I’d buried this giant bird, I’d taken its feet and wings, in tact. I heard it say to me then that I needed to honor it more. That I’d been a bit hasty in my asking for it’s body parts, and that its spirit was here and needed to be held and seen and loved. It asked me to make earrings or a necklace out of its feet instead of just keeping it on the altar. It also asked me to sew it’s wings back together with a crystal in the middle for healing, and to fly it around my house from time to time so it can remember what it’s like to fly. I was shown the original vision so I could connect with this beautiful spirit and know the pain it felt in it’s wing as well.

It also told me that once I did what it asked, the pain in my back would be gone. That the pain was two-fold, and this was the first reason for it.

The second reason came in the second vision. I saw two sets of wings sprouting from my back, exactly where the pain was located. One was a huge set of giant black wings, much like the raptor wing I had set before me on the altar. A second pair grew on top of that first, and this one was in dark gem hues. Astonished, I wondered if I was being shown my own divinity. I was aware that part of my shoulder/back pain was due to it being time for my wings to sprout, but something on the left side was blocking me, or I was blocking myself. Confused, I asked for any being who had clarity on this vision and wanted to work with me, to come forth.

Immediately I felt a very calm, and old, presence, announce itself. “I am Gau” the presence said. “I am from the Underworld.” I wasn’t scared, but a little bit alarmed. “Should I be frightened?” I asked it. “No, nothing to be scared of” it replied. “Ok. What are you doing here?” I asked. “We watch you.” it said. I felt a quickening. “We protect you.” it continued. It pointed to my wings. “You are The Shadow Witch. You came from us. We watch you and protect you.” I felt immediately relaxed and warm. “What’s my purpose here?” I asked Gau. “You’re here to be a portal. You are a portal, a guide between this world and Death/the world of the dead/the after/the beyond/the in-between. You are to walk people through this portal, as a guide, and back again, so they can remember that Death is not the end.” Then it continued. “Death is always close to you. You have lost many people in your life and you will lose more. But you are The Shadow Witch. You can handle it; it’s your purpose to know how to be close with Death and how to guide people through. You are very close with Death (it showed me embraced with Death, as a lover). Do not be afraid.”

All throughout this process I was in different states of awareness around Corrie’s playing of the bowls and chimes. At times I felt it took a very strange turn as far as the tones went, and matched my experience well.

Around the end of Gau’s explanation, Corrie played her last note. As it rang into the darkness, I heard Gau say twice more “Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid.”

I “woke up”, stretched, reborn as Shadowwwitch. The work is there for me to unblock my own wings, and to experience myself in my truth.

Since that experience, the pain in my back has mostly subsided. Often acknowledging what needs to be seen is enough to reduce and eliminate pain.

With Gratitude;


Jennifer Drinkard