Dream Work: For Answers While You Sleep.

The lights were out and I found myself entering that space in between wake and sleep. As the last bit of consciousness drifted away from me I asked, “Why did he do it?” And then I drifted off to sleep.

For a bit of context; I was speaking of my husband. He passed away from an accidental overdose in 2017. I spend a lot of time thinking of him yesterday. I wasn’t asking “why” as in what earthly things led him to doing what he did; I knew all of that; I’ve been over it over and over…a surgery that left him deaf, the struggles of that last year, etc. I was asking for a deeper answer. I was asking for an answer that only Spirit could provide.

Spirit, to me, means the same as God, the same as higher self, the same as Knowing, it’s that deep vein that has the answers to everything if we ask the questions, and it’s our time to know. Dolores Cannon calls it “the subconscious” and she simply refers to it as “they”. Carl Jung refers to it as “the collective unconscious”, speaking of a collective consciousness that we all borrow from and tap into. In her book Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert talks about how an idea for a novel came to her, and she ignored it, only to find out a few years later at a conference that almost the exact same book had been written by another writer. The idea wasn’t used, so it went to someone else. This is a great example of the collective unconscious and how it works. You can call it what you like, but once you tap into it, once you start asking questions, you’ll get answers, as long as it is your time to know. Sometimes, knowing would not be to your benefit, and above all, Spirit is working for your highest good.

I dreamt. I dreamed of my late husband. The details of the dream aren’t really important. In it he had “leveled up” so to speak. He was given the answers to the cosmos; he was taken on as an engineer and creator to the stars. He became a fish and birthed many babies. He communed with frogs. He learned new magic. I woke up, amazed at the dream and aware that I had received the gift of an answer. The answer was that his death happened because it was time for him to level up. It was time for him to step into bigger magic than he could here on Earth. And knowing everything I knew about his earthly existence led to this being true: he’d chosen a handicapped body to release karma; he’d been the most empathic and understanding soul I’d ever met. If anyone was ready to go and create and understand the big magic, it was him.

I feel at peace today around him. I feel like I have an answer I can give my son.

Here’s your exercise “For Answers While You Sleep”:

At night, before you go to sleep, have a question in your heart, mind and spirit. Give yourself permission to dream. Take your question, ask it, then surrender to Spirit with trust, by letting your question go instead of holding it tightly. Dream. Once you wake, before you start doing anything, before you grab your phone or speak to anyone or start a task, go over your dream. Write it down, or dictate it to your phone. Do something to set it in your mind. Then approach it with a metaphorical lens. Dreams are metaphors, imagery. They uses pictures and stories to get to the truth. Use the images and metaphors to arrive at the truth of your question.

Spirit is there, working with you. It speaks to you at night because you don’t listen during the day; you’re too busy. At night it has your attention. Give it a chance by helping it along a little. Go into your sleep with intention. Go into your sleep with surrender and trust. Develop a relationship with your higher self. Learn to listen.

Sweet Dreams <3

Jennifer Drinkard