How to Ascend

(If you haven’t yet, and you’re thinking, what is ascension? you may want to go read the blog post right before this one, where I explain ascension, 3D and 5D, as was my experience.)

Let me start by saying that I don’t, by any means, consider myself a teacher. However I’m aware that I’m being called to write this anyway, and to write other How Tos, as guidance to anyone who may be wanting to grow in this celestial way, realize their potential, and activate their gifts. And that calling into is step one: Listening. I like to use the body as an entrance point to reaching a higher state, as it’s readily available and in a deep relationship with our selves already. Without further introduction, let’s get right into it.

Step 1: Listening.

You can’t hear anything if you are engaging all the time with people or things.

Have you ever been on a walk in the forest, and found yourself stopped, ears open, attention caught by the sound of a river, or perhaps a deer, or the wind in the trees? Just absorbing, in that moment, with full attention, the chatter in your mind died down.

Listening inward is just like that. It doesn’t have to be meditation, but it does have to be intentional. At least until you get the hang of it.

Exercise: Lie down in your bed or on a couch, or the floor. (I find it helps if I’m in a 100 percent safe place where I know I won’t be disturbed, so outside is out (hehe) for me; I’m too distracted by ants or grass or a rustling from behind a tree, but perhaps you are better at tuning out the outside world.)

Once you are lying down, bring your attention into your body. I focus on the feelings of my body, and I find my body often starts tingling, or a small sharp pain will occur. At that point I can do one of two things; I can allow it to happen, and just notice it as a curiosity, or I can tune into the pain, and try to adjust it. (I’ll do another blog post on healing pain in your body through vibrations.) Which brings me to step two:

Step 2: Ask Questions.

The main point of this is that your higher self, the universe, the collective conscious, the subconscious, or the spirit, whatever you choose to call it, has your answers. There’s nothing you don’t know, you just have to access it. And the more you practice the more you’ll find out that it wants you to ask. In fact, it’s eager to tell you.

Exercise: While lying down and focusing on a part of your body that’s feeling different, (or if not using the body as an entrance point, just while letting your thoughts go and relaxing) ask a question. You have some freedom on what question you ask at this point. Feel into it, let your thoughts go and see what comes up when you ask yourself to come up with a question. Often your first thought/gut feeling is correct and you should jump on it, no matter how weird or ridiculous it is. You’ve (your higher self/universe) been waiting a long time to have a conversation so you might find something jumps right in, in a pretty loud way!

Here are some example questions to ask if nothing comes up:

  1. Why am I feeling this pain/sensation?

  2. What message is it that I need to receive?

  3. What is it that I need to do for myself? (right now, or in the near future)

  4. What is it I need to remember?

  5. What is it I need to let go of? Receive? Be open to?

  6. What is it I need to change?

All of these questions work the same way, to lead you to a clear message. It might sound like someone is speaking telepathically to you in your mind. For me, the message is usually one or two words, clear, and it feels different than the clutter/monkey mind (what Buddhists call our cluttered busy thoughts). For you it might sound different, or you might find yourself actually hearing it out loud. Don’t question the delivery, if something comes, it’s meant to be. Which leads us to the last step:

Step 3: Action.

Here’s the thing my fellow loves, there’s only three steps, but if you leave out this last step you will not succeed, nothing will happen and you’ll be worse off than before. Why would you be worse off than before? Because the universe/your higher self now KNOWS that you are listening, it wants what’s best for you, and it’s activated and motivated to make that happen. Meaning, you’ve started the wheel down the hill, and there’s no stopping it.

Let me give you a fair warning: this last step is the hardest. You’ll have SO MANY old programs and tapes running in the back of your mind that have kept you asleep and in fear for so long that will say, “we don’t have to do that; we can’t do that; we’re afraid of doing that; we’re too tired to do that; that’s too vulnerable for us; are you crazy, what will they think"!” etc etc etc. You get the idea. Sound familiar? ALL of us struggle with this tape.

Something my family said to me last time I was visiting them in Mississippi made me laugh out loud. They said, “You just don’t have the same kind of fear of social rejection/letting people know who you are as we do. You care less about what people think.” I almost guffawed; I thought they must be joking. I care ALL THE TIME about what people think; and it’s WHY I put myself out there, so that I can BREAK_THAT_TAPE.

How will you know you’re in the old tape? You’ll feel afraid. You’ll feel like too much. You’ll feel insecure. You’ll feel like an imposter. You’ll feel angry, sad, frustrated, isolated. Hey, it’s NORMAL to feel this way.

However, your higher self/universe knows that this is NOT helping you, that this is NOT your truth. Your truth is that you were sent here to glow, to play, to be happy, to connect, to create, to feel wanted, adored, loved, safe, to know your gifts and to follow your dreams as if there was never a person who told you you couldn’t do it and that you weren’t the biggest shiny rocket ship heading straight for the fucking stars. You are the Rocket Man, you are Mr. Fahrenheit, and we’re gonna make a supersonic man out of you!

Don’t stop me.


That’s the attitude you come at with this last step. You listen, you hear the answer, and you go and you DO. You have to follow through. You have to trust. You have to believe.

Why not? You’re here, you’re reading it. You’re here for a reason.

And the last thing I have to tell you is also a warning. As I hinted at before, once the universe/higher self breaks through and knows you are listening, it thinks FINALLY.

NOW WE CAN DO OUR WORK! And it’s going to RUSH YOU. It’s going to flood you with actions it wants you to do. And if you don’t do them? It’ll keep trying in different ways until you HAVE TO.

Take, for example, that the universe tells you to quit your job. You don’t listen; you’re too afraid. The universe will try subtle things at first; maybe it’ll give you a bad day, or a bad meeting with your boss. Then maybe you’ll have a week where everything goes wrong; your car breaks down, your computer won’t work and you don’t meet your deadlines, your kid all the sudden needs you like they never have before. And then if you still don’t listen? Well then you’re in trouble friend. You’re gonna wanna go back, Jack.

That’s when it gets real serious and won’t give you a choice. That’s when you get seriously ill and have to take weeks off of work, if not longer. That’s when someone you love dies and you’re grieving. That’s when you need an organ removed. Or worse friends. Or worse.

The great news is if you do the action, if you listen, if you hear, then you’ll find your life instantly improving, because you are essentially back on your life path, which again, is always working for your good. Always.

One last note about meditation and practice:

I mostly entered into this through the body, but you can also enter in through the mind. It’s all about attention. During the day, find moments of stillness during which you just allow what needs to come up to come up. During that time, see if you can feel into what you want/need to be doing at that exact moment. Sometimes it’s just to sit. Sometimes though, you’ll hear or feel a small voice/energy moving you in a direction. That’s also your higher self. Instead of ignoring it like we’ve learned to do, try doing what it’s asking. See what comes up. This practice will bring you countless gems. By doing this, I wrote a children’s book in 30 minutes. I started this blog. I wrote these blog posts. I started a new training in QHHT.

None of that was planned. But all of it was for my higher good.

This is how your dreams come true.

Jennifer Drinkard