How to Heal Your Body Via Frequency.

I was asked on a facebook group page to write about how I’ve been healing my body; or ending my pain, via frequency. Read on to learn the secrets (some of the process will be very familiar to you already!)

A few months ago I started playing with the space between waking and dreaming, with the original intention to astro-travel. As a hypnotherapist, I already knew that the state between waking and dreaming, called the Theta Brain Wave (state), is the deepest form of relaxation the mind can experience before falling completely asleep (Delta). {We also experience Theta during daydreaming; our brain slips in and out of it during the day. It’s fascinating to learn about, and it’s why subliminal messages work (be careful what you watch!). }

I knew, then, that the Theta state would be my best bed for any kind of astral experience, beyond meditating. I have a very busy waking life as a single mom, and the bedtime state was an easier state for me to find time to access.

As I started playing around in Theta, I did start to astral travel, however, I never quite left my body. (I was told later by some alien relatives in a vision in Theta that I am not supposed to astral travel right now, as my body would be attacked due to me being a healer. That’s another story!) I did, however, while floating in that very relaxed state, just on the edge of sleep, start to recognize random pain emerging in different places in my body.

  1. Frequency:

    As I began to focus in on a singular pain, I started “tuning into” (focusing on) feeling my way into the frequency of the pain. This is kind of hard to explain, but truly all it requires is an imagination. While you are in this Theta state, either via meditation or in that in between wake and sleep in your bed at night, try to find the energetic vibration of a singular pain. This is similar to when you “tune in” or chant in yoga, hum to yourself to soothe your anxiety, ride a “wave” of joy or happiness, or change your breathing. Don’t search too hard, just let it come to you by focusing on the pain. It may help to imagine, along with a change in vibration, a change in temperature. For example, a cooling temperature can be used to heal most pain. Then as you “feel” your way into the vibration, picture a big dial next to the left side of your head. With the vibration of the pain in your body, imagine turning that dial up or down, away from the vibration. Add in the temperature change as you do this. Finally, there’s another step that I add in.

  2. Breathing:

    The easiest way to assist your body in changing a vibration of pain is to breathe. Most of the time, I’d say 99 percent of the time, this involves slowing your breathing down, along with sending your breath into the part of the body experiencing pain. If you are using the temperature technique, then add in a cooling breath to that part of the body.

    Usually, these two things are enough to shift the pain. You can play around with the frequency dial; sometimes pain requires a slowing down, cooling temperature, and sometimes it requires you to raise a vibration. I’ve found mostly that sharp pains require a slowing down, cooling, and deep aches require a higher vibration, as they are very low vibration pain.

    Sometimes, though these two things are not enough to stop the pain. This is because sometimes we cause ourselves psychosomatic pain. Dr. Van Der Kolk of the Trauma Treatment Specialists and Recovery Center (Chicago; a leading edge researcher in the field of somatic pain and trauma) states that something like 95 percent of our chronic pain is psychosomatic. So what then?

  3. Surrender, and Finding Your Pain’s voice:

    If you have a chronic pain, you need to look for the emotional bridge. This is a technique I use all the time in hypnotherapy with my clients who are releasing past trauma. We carry around trauma in our bodies, and then we ignore it. Chronic pain is your body needing you to address your emotional state. It’s you ignoring what you need to do for your own self in your own life. It’s you ignoring your body; ignoring your soul’s calling; ignoring your highest self who is trying to communicate with you. If you are experiencing a chronic pain that will not go away, first you have to sit. You have to breathe. Then you have to listen and ask it what it needs. More often than not, the first step to this involves surrender.

    You’ll need to surrender to the pain, while sitting quietly, and breathing deeply. You’ll have to allow yourself to fully feel it. Then, once you are in a state of surrender, breathing into it slowly, that actually may be enough for it to go away. Oftentimes the universe/our higher self just wants us to surrender to our present experience, and stop fighting what’s happening now. If it’s not enough for it to leave, or if it comes back, then you’ll need to repeat this process or, if you are already in this process, you’ll need to ask the pain what it has to say. Just ask. Give your pain a voice and see what it says. It’s best to do this in a relaxed, meditative state, where your conscious mind won’t jump in with doubts and criticisms and skepticism. Deeply relax first, surrender, then ask. Listen to the first thing that bubbles up. That’s your answer. Then take the step to stop fighting that voice, and to do what it needs you to do to heal. Then your pain will also heal and go. It sounds like magic, but we do not realize the power we have when we communicate with our highest selves. This is our natural healing power.

Jennifer Drinkard