Ask Jen: Question about how to wait for opportunities!

Question: “I am ALSO a projector! I feel like I’m always waiting for something to come along, but nothing does, Any advice for projectors waiting for opportunities?”

 -by “Amber Asking about Human Design”

Hi Amber Asking about Human Design,

It’s nice to meet a fellow Projector! First, if you’re reading this, and you’re already lost with this talk about Projectors, take a moment to google Human Design. Human Design states that there are different types of humans on this planet and the way we use and are invited to use our energy or life force varies GREATLY. It can be helpful to read about your particular design for further understanding. Just remember that like Astrology, Archetypes, and other tools that categorize humans….well… they are exactly that: tools. Use them, but understand they are only a piece of a larger complex picture. Ok that’s my “warning” before reading!

Amber, I feel your pain about waiting, and I think it’s important to know when it is vital to wait vs when it’s NOT. 

As you know, when you move forward without being invited, you find yourself feeling unappreciated. There’s no worse feeling for a Projector than getting excited and throwing your energy at a project..only to find that there’s no meeting of energy when you do so from anyone else. You can start to feel bitter, upset, and like your work has no meaning. 

Trust me, I get this! I’ve had this happen to me over and over when I try to introduce or push things in my business. It can feel like I’m talking to The Void. It’s enough to drive a person mad.  I’ve gone through the full range of emotions…grief, anger, sadness, frustration, panic, fear, even hopelessness. So I KNOW how you feel! I’ve definitely had to learn some coping skills here and I’m happy to share that advice with you now.

It’s REALLY IMPORTANT for Projectors to avoid this path to bitterness and burnout! So here’s my advice in doing so.

First, my number one advice is to make sure you have projects that are just for you. You have to find things that light you up! Things you can throw the full force of your energy at! A Projector needs to fill at least 50 percent of her day with things that belong JUST to her and no one else. No invitation needed. No meeting of energy; no need for other people! Just you with your brilliance and light, and in that you’ll never disappoint yourself, because you’ll never be too pushy! So first things first dear Projector, get yourself some 1:1 projects. Some of my favorites include: 

  1. Redecorating my home

  2. Reading books for knowledge and to expand my skills

  3. Stretching/Mediation

  4. Hiking/Walking/Finding Treasures

  5. Cooking

  6. Journaling

  7. Working behind the scenes on projects I’d like an invitation for!

The second thing I’ll point out is that being a Projector and needing an invitation DOES NOT mean that you have to be passive! On the contrary. Get out there. Network. Meet new people who will open new doors of invitation for you! Take risks. Start conversations. Discover what you love and move toward it. Take action in your life. Don’t wait! Or, on the contrary, are you waiting for a certain invitation? If so, it may be time to move on from desiring it, or it may be time to reach out to new people who will open new doors to this invitation. Maybe the person you’re waiting for is the issue, not the invitation itself? Play with that, see how it feels if it’s pushing on your truth. Who are you waiting for if not yourself?

The third point I’ll make is that being a Projector really requires a tune-in to patience, and divine timing. More than any other Human Design type, we are at the mercy of the flow of the universe. If you jump too soon, you’ll be frustrated and disappointed. If you wait too long, you’ll miss the creative energy that comes with divine timing and taking a chance. If, like you said in your question, nothing comes along, I’d gather that you’re waiting much too long before jumping in. The creative energy is sailing past your window, peeking in, then seeing you asleep at the wheel! So my advice to you is this: find out what is calling you. It’s literally not possible that the universe isn’t inviting you into SOMETHING.  Find out what that is. Listen with your ears beyond ears. Listen with your heart and soul. Listen. Go outside, notice how the birds listen, how the trees listen. Notice how the river listens. Start to notice the divine timing all around you. Make notes in your ears and your eyes. Write the song on your heart. Then find the dance that’s calling you. You already know the steps; it’s just for you. Stop waiting! Life is happening all around you every day; there are so many invitations that you just need to step into. This is one of them by the way!!

Speaking of the universe, another way I find myself dancing with invitation is by putting out there into the universe what it is I want, and doing so without expectation. It’s when I add on the expectation that I enter the path of bitterness. It’s ok for me to text a friend and say, hey, can I do this with you? But before I do so, I’d better not expect a certain result. I just open the door for invitation, and if it comes, I’m ready! But if not, then I move on.

And if you do find yourself feeling pushy, or feeling bitter about not being met, know that it’s just par for the course for us. Learn to brush it off and start again. I PROMISE that it’s not that people don’t appreciate you. It’s just that they don’t always know what to do with your energy when you initiate. So rather than waiting for them to initiate, just start a conversation with them. Let them know about what you care about, what you ARE about. Let them know where you are willing to step in. And leave it at that, move on with your projects, and if they come around, great. But there’s no need to wait for life to knock on your door. Just step outside and start living it! 

If nothing I’m saying is resonating, it’s also possible that you’re already in burnout. One danger of being a Projector is that you tied your horse to the wrong invitations, and ended up bitter, and burntout. Out of energy, you might feel like no invitations are coming because you’ve lost the ability to take in energy and transmute it into something grand. If that’s the case, know that it’s perfectly ok to just rest. To rest so long and so deep that you can’t stand to rest anymore. Find a way to limit your interaction with other people and to pull back on anything except what has to be done, then spend the rest of the time starting back at my first piece of advice: find things that light you up, and do that. Be very selfish about it. Other types of Humans may not understand this, but other Projectors absolutely do. As a Projector you do not have infinite energy and one wrong push toward something that didn’t feed you well can put you out for the count. Be kind to yourself when this happens. It’s temporary, but you may need tons and tons of rest and just focusing on you for awhile. That’s ok!

Finally, my last piece of advice is to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Believe in yourself and your abilities in such a HUGE way that anytime you find yourself unmet, you know it’s NOT because you aren’t capable. You’re so capable! One thing about Projectors is that they are here for the big picture, to change and shake up the world! Projectors are incredibly skilled and capable! So spend some time really letting go of the idea that there’s anything wrong with you. You are the most skilled and capable person for your unique talents and personal quest! No one can do what you do like you do. And that’s something to celebrate now. Don’t wait for an invitation for that. Go forth, shine, and love yourself in all you do! And I know this is true for you too. Try it on for size. If any doubt rears its ugly head, stare it right in the face, friend, and send it on its way. It’s not for you. That’s not the path for you. Your path is up there shining in the stars, held by your community, loved, and loving. There’s nothing more you need to do than believe. (And rest. Lot’s of rest.:) )

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